“Regular Day” – July/August 2016


Mohammad Joulani


European Union (Open Gallery Program)


The exhibition of works by Mohammad Joulani featured oil and mixed media paintings and sound installations, all depicting a normal day experience in the artist’s life. “Regular Day” is quite not so regular; it embodies the day to day life of a Jerusalemite in the city. Playing very familiar but somehow muted background noises from our daily lives, Joulani illustrates his schizophrenic state of mind from break of dawn until sunset, caused by a “normal” day. Through the language of art, the Jerusalemite artist walks the audience through a myriad of emotions helping them grasp the artist’s daily paradoxes.

In his art work, Joulani, illustrates how normal it is for a Palestinian to live in this schizophrenic state every day, that is in reality so abnormal.