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“Nature of Mind” – 2014


Bashar Alhroub


Rula Khoury


The solo retrospective of Bashar Alhroub tracks the artist’s work over four years in multifaceted mixed media artworks. “Nature of Mind” captures that moment when all things are considered as either evolving or dissolving into nothingness. This “nothingness” is not empty space; it is rather a space of potentiality. The repeating white space in Alhroub’s artworks is a complete energy of light, standing for wholeness and completion, openness, and truth. Negative space is relevant, occasionally used as the “real” subject of an image. Alhroub’s work deals directly with the polemics of place. Questions such as “Who are we?” are often intimately related to the question “Where are we?” He engages with the search into the self, and has used the body as signifier – of threatened self-identity, personal vulnerability, and existential anxiety strongly associated with issues of religion, nationalism, conflict, and identity construction. The work looks for meanings not in the individual sign but in the context of exile and fragmentation.